Sunday, 8 December 2013

Donate for Jaden for his stem cell treatment

Like any happy child of his age, Jaden was also born to happy parents however since his 5th birthday; Jaden has spent way too much at the hospital. It was February 20, 2010 Jaden was almost without a heartbeat. And since that very day tragedy started. Jaden woke up but he woke up with some issues and Jaden was unable to speak, walk or eat food by mouth. His parents started physical therapy, speech therapy and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. And now they are on a crusade the fund needed to carry out this costly treatment. 

Yes, God helped them and they found Ray Cralle of Cralle Physical therapy in Delray Beach, Florida who has been treating patients with similar conditions for 30 years. Tanya, Jaden’s mother learnt it from the doctors that stem cells are the basic building blocks of the body and stem cells are also in us form the birth. Under the stem cell treatment these cells are injected into the area or organ where healing is required. Once these cells are injected, they start adapting with the surrounding and start their work. Afterwards, these cells differentiate them into the required cell types and integrate with those cells or organ. The doctors recommend that Jaden get more stem cell treatment and the hyperbaric oxygen. However the treatment demands constant flow cash. Donate for Jaden to let us cover his treatment.

Jaden’s parents continued on with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy as well as with the stem cell treatment. However the stem cell treatment is $50,000 which is a lot when the insurance will not cover it. In case if you are reading this, help us to raise the fund needed for Jaden to save his life.

 The bottom line is, hospital care is expensive and Jaden has undergone many expensive session and he's got some more to go. Insurance doesn't cover it all. So we invite you to help for Jaden in any way you see fit.

For more details visit 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Donate for Jaden to cover his Stem Cell treatment cost

I am Tanya, Jaden’s mom. Today, I am here to talk about my son Jaden and his health condition, which needs your help. Without much ado about anything let me be frank and honest here. I am on a crusade to raise the fund needed for Jaden’s medical treatment.

Here is my son’s story – 

It was February 20, 2010 and I still shudder at the thought remembering the sights and sound of that ominous day. My son, Jaden was without a heartbeat for an hour on that day and the ICU Doctors told me to prepare to donate his organs and if by some small chance he did survive he would be in a vegetative state! I just hoped to see my son alive, hearty and healthy and that’s all I wanted. God is always good and luckily my Jaden woke up. However he woke up with some issues. He is unable to speak, walk or eat food by mouth. Wait, my story does not end here and I am here to tell you the entire real story of my son and my war.

Later at the hospital I was told by a nurse that he needs to get in that Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy at once. And we started that along with physical therapy for 5 days a week since April 2010. I also learnt it from the doctors that stem cells are the basic building blocks of our bodies and stem cells are also in us form the birth. Under the stem cell treatment these cells are injected into the area or organ where healing is required. Once these cells are injected, they start adapting with the surrounding and start their work. Afterwards, these cells differentiate them into the required cell types and integrate with those cells or organ.

Coming back to my Jaden’s story, as formation of new cells starts to take place my child starts to feel healthy again. Dear readers this is costly affair and although we are still continuing however the treatment demands constant flow cash. Donate for Jaden to let us cover his treatment.

For more information please visit our site:

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Fund needed For Jaden’s treatment

Yes, Jaden was born to happy parents however since his 5th birthday; Jaden has spent way too much at the hospital. It was February 20, 2010 Jaden was almost without a heartbeat. And since that very day tragedy started. Jaden woke up but he woke up with some issues and Jaden was unable to speak, walk or eat food by mouth. His parents started physical therapy, speech therapy and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. And now they are on a crusade the fund needed to carry out this costly treatment.

Yes, God helped them and they found Ray Cralle of Cralle Physical therapy in Delray Beach, Florida who has been treating patients with similar conditions for 30 years. Tanya, Jaden’s mother learnt it from the doctors that stem cells are the basic building blocks of the body and stem cells are also in us form the birth. Under the stem cell treatment these cells are injected into the area or organ where healing is required. Once these cells are injected, they start adapting with the surrounding and start their work. Afterwards, these cells differentiate them into the required cell types and integrate with those cells or organ. The doctors recommend that Jaden get more stem cell treatment and the hyperbaric oxygen. However the treatment demands constant flow cash. Donate for Jaden to let us cover his treatment.

Jaden’s parents continued on with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy as well as with the stem cell treatment. However the stem cell treatment is $50,000 which is a lot when the insurance will not cover it. In case if you are reading this, help us to raise the fund needed for Jaden to save his life.

The bottom line is, hospital care is expensive and Jaden has undergone many expensive session and he's got some more to go. Insurance doesn't cover it all. So we invite you to help for Jaden in any way you see fit.

 For more information visit  here.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Donate for Jaden for a noble cause

Let me introduce with Jaden Hayes, my loving son. Yes, I know you appreciate his large blue eyes, his long lashes and I know your next probable question – “can’t he walk, talk or eat on his own?” No he can’t and here is my son’s story and my challenge! It was February 20,2010 and my son had a near drown and was without a heartbeat for an hour on that day. I did not know whom to fall upon and all I did is simply praying to the almighty so that my son remains alive. Yes, he woke up however he woke up with some serious health issues and my son is still unable to walk, talk or eat on his own. My son needs your help to survive. Please join us in any way you can to raise help for Jaden.

My son needs stem cell treatment and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. stem cells are the basic building blocks of our bodies and stem cells are also in us form the birth. In the stem cell treatment process, these kind of cells are injected into the area or organ where healing is required. As soon as the cells are injected, they start adapting with the surrounding and the cells start doing their work. Afterwards, these cells differentiate them into the required cell types and integrate with those cells or organ. This is how it works for Jaden as well. Sadly, in the US the insurance won’t cover it as the treatment is yet considered as experimental for Jaden's condition.

My friends and also many kind strangers have come together to begin the fight to save my son’s life. Please Donate for Jaden to save his life.

It is also pertinent to mention here, as formation of the new cells starts taking place my child starts feeling healthy again. It is also pertinent to mention here, each time the scan is performed my son had to be put sleep and I had to endure as every time Jaden was put to sleep I wonder will he wake up again!  Of course the entire treatment procedure is a costly affair and fund needed for Jaden to help us cover his treatment.

Please Raise fund for medical expenses for a noble cause.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Donate for Jaden: I am on a crusade to raise the proper funding for my son Jaden Hayes 5 years whom had a near drown Feb 20, 2010. Jaden was without a heartbeat for an hour and the Dr.'s almost stopped trying to revive him, thank God they continued, Fund needed for Jaden. because his heart started beating again. I was told by the ICU Dr. that I need to prepare to donate his organs and if by some small chance he did survive he would be in a vegetative state. Luckily that is not the case he did wake up but with some issues. He is unable to speak, walk or eat food by mouth. He was in the hospital for over a month, and as soon he as was released he immediately started physical therapy, speech therapy and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. I was told by a nurse that he needs to get in that Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber at once. He started that along with physical therapy 5 days a week since April 2010. I do have Aetna insurance and they did pay for that treatment up until January 2012. Jaden's therapist Ray Cralle of Cralle Physical therapy in Delray Beach, Florida has been treating patients with similar conditions for 30 years and he is well known for using unconventional methods to help heal the brain. He works closely with Dr's that believe in the power of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and stem cell treatment to heal various injuries including the brain.
They successfully helped some injured veterans with traumatic brain injury by giving them hyperbaric oxygen. In order to prove that this treatment is healing Jaden’s brain hasto have spec scans of the brain after every 40th hyperbaric treatment. The therapist said it was critical to do the scans in order to have evidence to show the insurance company when they decide not to pay any longer just as they did. I am a small self employed Realtor and a private policy is the only kind I can get. Keep in mind each time this scan was performed Jaden had to be put sleep which was another nightmare I had to endure each and every time. I knew this was the only way to know if the treatment was actually working so I had to agree with this. A Spec scan shows what areas of the brain are actually functioning all of Jaden’s scans are read by Dr. William Maxfield a radiologist in Tampa , Florida. He gives a report of his findings after each scan. Each scan that Jaden has had since 2010 has shown that Jaden's brain is in fact healing. The initial scan showed that Jaden had no vision each scan following the initial scan showed that the vision was coming back and it showed a very big improvement after the first stem cell treatment.
I am a self employed Real Estate Broker and the only type of insurance policy I can get is a private policy and these policies seem not to offer nearly as much as a large corporate policy would. Help for jaden with fund and whatever you can.